We've got to talk about an important wedding day decision today guys...having an unplugged wedding. I even made you a free printable sign you can download if you read further below!
Recently it was brought to my attention that some people have never heard this term. An "unplugged wedding" means that during the ceremony guests will be asked to put away their phones and put them on silent. Ok, everybody panic now.
Humans can survive for up to three weeks without food, and 3-7 days without water… but most of us can't handle a day without our phones.
There's even a phobia for it: nomophobia – ‘no-mobile phobia’ – the fear of being without, or losing, your mobile phone. So why in the world would you ask your guests to put their phones away and cause them this pain and suffering?
Hold my beer....
What exactly is an unplugged wedding? An unplugged wedding is when you ask your family, friends and guests' to turn off their phones, ipads, cameras and other digital distractions during the ceremony or reception. The purpose is to allow the hired wedding photographer the chance to capture the wedding without possibly missing key shots caused by your uncle holding his iPad out into the aisle blocking the photographer's shot of your first kiss.
More importantly, an unplugged wedding is for you all to "unplug" together and be in the moment. Do you want to walk down the aisle and see your friends and family with their faces buried in their phones, or do you want to see their emotions and smiles and remember the moment and the love surrounding the day that brought you all together? Just enjoy that you have nothing to do, nowhere else to be, and are all together at this moment in time. This only happens once in your life, and you want to remember it!
Here's how you can do this:
Have your officiant make an announcement once all guest are seated, and before the procession begins:
“Welcome, friends and family! Good evening everyone. Please be seated. Dan and Jennifer invite you to be truly present at this special time. Please, turn off your cell phones and put down your cameras. The photographer will capture how this moment looks — I encourage you all to capture how it feels with your hearts, without the distraction of technology. If Dan can do it, then so can you.”
Have your DJ make an announcement
Use signs at the ceremony
Use signs to advise your guests to not use their phones or camera while the ceremony takes place, add a little message and note to your invite, check out Unplugged Weddings on Pinterest for ideas on signage, wording and creative ways to inform your guests.
Or better yet, Use this FREE 11x17 sign I personally made you HERE!
You can download and print this sign to use at your wedding! My clients can also ask me to change the background color/ image to match your wedding decor for free because I encourage you to this so much!

I hope you have the best wedding ever!
Amy at The Tattooed Bride Photography